Generally speaking, American car insurance follows the car, but the detailed terms still depend on the specific terms and conditions of each car insurance company. If an accident occurs when the car is lent to someone else, the car owner is psychologically prepared to take responsibility. If the friend leaves and returns to the country after the car accident, the relevant claims will fall on the car owner, and insurance premiums and legal responsibilities will be increased. Waiting is inescapable.
If the insurance policy is to follow the car, if a friend borrows your car and has an accident, then your car insurance will be paid as a priority, and your insurance premiums for the coming year will also increase. If the amount of priority payment is not enough for compensation, the friend will make up the difference if he has car insurance. But even so, some detailed clauses may expressly stipulate that if the insured is not listed in the insurance clause, no compensation will be paid for accidents caused by driving other than the insured, and the compensation must be borne by oneself.
Conclusion: If family members or friends will frequently use your car, it is recommended to add these people to the insured list, some companies may charge an additional fee.